An ice rink is unlike any conventional building design and construction in the world! For starters, think about this; an ice rink must have impeccable vapor control to reduce the operating costs. Normal construction suggests that vapor barriers are placed on the inside of the insulation. For an ice rink, the vapor barrier must be placed on the outside of the insulation membrane. Air infiltration could represent as much as 42% of the overall demand heat load on an ice rink if the vapor barrier and insulation membrane is neither designed nor installed in the correct fashion. An ice rink without the proper planning and design is an ice rink set up for failure.
If the above scenario played out and proper planning and construction were compromised, the following would be plausible
- Increased heat load on the ice sheet, meaning additional refrigeration capacity and running time
- Increased demand to the rinks dehumidification system, which would constantly be charged with conditioning the air content
- High probability of moisture retention and condensation
- Decreased lifespan for critical components
- Increased operating costs!
Our overriding goal is see the design, planning, construction and operation of proper designed, energy efficient and operationally sustainable ice rinks. No matter your role – Entrepreneur, Architect, Owner or General Contractor, our design services are a must to ensure an energy efficiency and solvency.
Everything Ice offers a broad range of design services met to increase efficiency and promote sustainable rink operations. Our design scopes include the following:
- Mechanical overview of rink environment design goals
- Air content control systems
- Radiant heat reduction
- Low E Ceilings
- Dehumidification
- Vapor barrier and insulation membrane
- Electrical needs and diagrams
- Interior fit-out
- Lighting Systems
- Locker room requirements
- Mechanical room requirement
- Ice Resurfacer room requirements
- Hot water needs and configuration
- General HVAC requirements
- Water treatment
- Doors and door hardware
- Ice Rink Chiller
- Ice Rink Floor
- Sub-soil heating system
- Primary and Secondary cooling solutions
- Dasherboards
- Players boxes
- Soil preparation, design and drainage considerations
- Fire Protection
- Rink flooring
No matter the size of your project, we encourage you to make the proper design and planning of your rink your highest priority!