From years of ice rink experience combined with the latest in advanced refrigeration technologies, Everything Ice has launched our new chiller system built exclusively for the green world movement. Green means low cost of operations and low impact on the environment.
The GreenMachine will reduce both your costs and your carbon footprint.
Full Details and Catalog
View the full PDF catalog below:
Case Study
Putting High Energy Costs on Ice. If you want to ice skate in the middle of the summer on Cape Cod, head to the Falmouth Ice Arena which can now remain open 12 months a year thanks to the building’s unique, energy-effi cient design.
Energy Efficiency: How It’s Measured
Energy efficiency can be defined by the refrigeration system’s ability to produce cooling effect (in tons) in relation to the electricity consumed (in kilowatts). Regardless of the application, the design goal is to produce the maximum amount of tons per kilowatt from the system. The KW/ton ratio produced by the GreenMachine is unbeatable by any other system.
High-Performance, Air-Cooled Condensers or Water-Cooled Condensers
Selection of an air-cooled system versus a water-cooled condenser system depends on many factors, such as location and seasonal length of operation. Your Everything Ice design consultant will help you with the selection process.
Air-cooled condensers feature very large coil areas for peak energy performance with multiple fans for reduced horsepower fan operation during low chilling loads or extremely cold outside weather.
Water-cooled condensers are sized for the lowest condensing temperature possible and
feature dual speed, power-saving fan motors for reduced fan horsepower during normal ice-load conditions. The power-saving fan arrangement permits a 3 horsepower fan to do the same work as a 10 horsepower fan from other suppliers.